Page 263 - MIKADO2021EN
P. 263


              SILICON TUBES
              Silicone or plastic tubes. Necessary piece of equipment of any float angler. Used to attach the float to the fishing line, mount the clips to wagglers or to protect the
              knots on the ropes and fishing lines.

                                          MM  MM
                                          0.4  1.0
                                          0.5  1.0
                                    II00-03  0.6  1.0
                                          0.7  2.0
                                          0.8  2.0
                                    CM    14   SU-10       AIX-9250         AIX-9251         AIX-9252       AIX-9253

                                                            SU-1            SU-1             SU-1           SU-1

              MIKADO SHOTS
              Wide array of angling sinkers available in sets of various weights. Invaluable part of any float angler’s tool box, that will work, among other applications,
              as additional weight for a float.

                              G                           G                          G                         G
                  OMS-MA-50   50              OMS-MB-50  50              OMS-DA-100  100           OMS-DB-100  100
                  OMS-MA-70   70              OMS-MB-70  70              OMS-DA-120  120           OMS-DB-120  120
                G   0.20 / 0.25 / 0.30 / 0.40 / 0.60 / 1.00  G   0.60 / 1.00 / 1.00 / 1.25 / 1.25 / 0.60  G   0.20 / 0.25 / 0.30 / 0.40 / 0.60 / 1.00  G   1.00 / 1.25 / 1.25 / 1.80 / 2.90 / 1.00
                            SU-10                      SU-10                      SU-10                      SU-10

              LEAD TAPE                  PLUMMETS                                FLOAT SINKERS
              Popular, soft lead tape for float rigs  Popular angling plummet, fitted with a hook fitting foam.  Classic, movable sinkers in a teardrop shape with PVC
              weighing.                  Invaluable tool that allows to thoroughly check the  tube, designed for float fishing.
                                         fishery when float angling.

                                                                                                  OMC-01100-0.5  0.5  6
                                                                                                   OMC-01100-1  1  6
                                                                                                  OMC-01100-1.5  1.5  5
                                                                                                   OMC-01100-2  2  5
                                                                                                  OMC-01100-2.5  2.5  5
                                                                                                   OMC-01100-3  3  5
                                                                                                  OMC-01100-3.5  3.5  5
                                                                                                   OMC-01100-4  4  5
                                                                                                  OMC-01100-4.5  4.5  5
                                                                                                   OMC-01100-5  5  5
                                                                                                   OMC-01100-6  6  4
                                                                                                   OMC-01100-7  7  4
                                                 OMC-03001-10  10  1                               OMC-01100-8  8  4
                                                OMC-03001-20  20  1                                OMC-01100-9  9  3
                         MM                     OMC-03001-30  30  1                                OMC-01100-10  10  3
                                                OMC-03001-40  40  1                                OMC-01100-12  12  2
                OMC-0001-5  5  5                OMC-03001-50  50  1                                OMC-01100-14  14  2
                OMC-0001-10  10  5              OMC-03001-60  60  1                                OMC-01100-16  16  2
                           SU-5                               SU-10                                         SU-10

                          /MikadoTotalFishing                                                      MIKADO 2021     261
   258   259   260   261   262   263   264   265   266   267   268