Page 267 - MIKADO2021EN
P. 267


              DREAM LINE CLASSIC
              Dream Line Classic is a transparent, very versatile premium class fishing line. Its main advantages are durability, lack of memory
              and abrasion resistance. Due to those features it will easily cope with all the requirements that modern angling sets.

                                                                                            ZDL500-150-014  0.14  2.94
                                                                                            ZDL500-150-016  0.16  3.64
                                                              ZDL500-30-010  0.10  1.96     ZDL500-150-018  0.18  4.43
                                                              ZDL500-30-012  0.12  2.45     ZDL500-150-020  0.20  4.57
                                                              ZDL500-30-014  0.14  2.94     ZDL500-150-022  0.22  5.72
                                                              ZDL500-30-016  0.16  3.64     ZDL500-150-024  0.24  7.36
                                                              ZDL500-30-018  0.18  4.43     ZDL500-150-026  0.26  8.25
                                                              ZDL500-30-020  0.20  4.57     ZDL500-150-028  0.28  9.33
                                                              ZDL500-30-022  0.22  5.72     ZDL500-150-030  0.30  10.07
                                                                  30 m    SU-1                  150 m    SU-1

              DREAM LINE FEEDER
              Dream Line Feeder is a line made in order to meet expectations set by modern feeder angling. Due to unique structure
              of nylon strands we managed to achieve a sinking line that belongs to a premium segment and stands out with high abrasion

                                                                             KG                             KG
                                                                       MM                             MM
                                                              ZDL300-150-016  0.16  4.16    ZDL300-300-016  0.16  4.16
                                                              ZDL300-150-018  0.18  5.06    ZDL300-300-018  0.18  5.06
                                                             ZDL300-150-020  0.20  5.22     ZDL300-300-020  0.20  5.22
                                                             ZDL300-150-022  0.22  6.54     ZDL300-300-022  0.22  6.54
                                                             ZDL300-150-024  0.24  7.68     ZDL300-300-024  0.24  7.68
                                                             ZDL300-150-026  0.26  8.60     ZDL300-300-026  0.26  8.60
                                                             ZDL300-150-028  0.28  9.73     ZDL300-300-028  0.28  9.73
                                                             ZDL300-150-030  0.30  10.51    ZDL300-300-030  0.30  10.51
                                                                  150 m   SU-1                  300 m    SU-1

              LX SAPPHIRE MATCH                                     NIHONTO FEEDER
              Top quality fishing line with no memory, made in Japan. Heavy and elastic  Innovative fishing line designed for feeder angling with tip-side action rods.
              polymer fibres provide proper sinking, abrasion resistance and incredible  Amazingly smooth, with average extensibility and no memory; perfect for
              softness – so important in float and long distance angling.  angling with a thin leader.

                                                    MM   KG                                            MM    KG
                                            ZLXM-010  0.10  1.70                                ZNF-014  0.14  3.60
                                            ZLXM-012  0.12  2.20                                ZNF-016  0.16  4.20
                                            ZLXM-014  0.14  2.65                                ZNF-018  0.18  4.95
                                            ZLXM-016  0.16  3.85                                ZNF-020  0.20  5.90
                                            ZLXM-018  0.18  4.85                                ZNF-022  0.22  6.50
                                            ZLXM-020  0.20  5.75                                ZNF-024  0.24  7.50
                                            ZLXM-022  0.22  6.60                                ZNF-026  0.26  8.50
                                            ZLXM-024  0.24  7.50                                ZNF-028  0.28  9.40
                                            ZLXM-026  0.26  8.90                                   150 m   SU-1
                                              150 m   SU-1


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