Page 372 - Spro2019EN
P. 372

SPECIALIST RX                                          HUMP BACK

        A hook with identical advantages as the Specialist "R but with the difference   Thanks for the special SEC shape (Smooth Effective Curve) this hook turns
        that the "RX has more body and is therefore even stronger; the hook for   automatically direction the bottom lip and pricks quickly. The special "flat
        obstacle fishing, pur sang!                            forged curved shank"gives it extra power and resistance. The micro barb is
                                                               ideal for super fast hooking. Besides this, a micro barb also unhooks easily
                                                               and reduces the damage to fish" mouth to a minimum. With a short line
                                 Hook                          aligner this Gamakatsu Humpback is a super fast pricker! The ultimate thin
           Code    Barcode  Color     SU
                                 Size                          point offer extra hooking effect.
         185033-1200  8HLGSPB*cedhac+  Grey  12  10=10x10
         185033-1000  8HLGSPB*cedhbj+  Grey  10  10=10x10                               Hook
         185033-800  8HLGSPB*cedhcg+  Grey  8  10=10x10           Code    Barcode  Color  Size  SU
         185033-600  8HLGSPB*cedhdd+  Grey  6  10=10x10         185030-1000  8HLGSPB*cedfec+  Grey  10  10=10x10
         185033-400  8HLGSPB*cedhea+  Grey  4  10=10x10          185030-800  8HLGSPB*cedffj+  Grey  8  10=10x10
         185033-200  8HLGSPB*cedhfh+  Grey  2  10=10x10          185030-600  8HLGSPB*cedfgg+  Grey  6  10=10x10
                                                                 185030-400  8HLGSPB*cedfhd+  Grey  4  10=10x10
                                                                 185030-200  8HLGSPB*cedfia+  Grey  2  10=10x10

          012    010    008     006       004       002

                                                                    010    008     006     004       002

        SPECIALIST RX BARBLESS                                 SNAGGER

        The ideal barbless claw hook that hooks perfectly thanks for the ulxtra fine   Thanks for the 28-degree down-turned eye of the Snagger hook there is no
        but super strong point and the 12-degree in-turned eye; even faster hooking,   need to make a line-aligner system. Thanks to its shape it turns automatically
        fish friendlyer when fishing obstacles and certainly the required hook on   to the bottom lip and has the characteristic of hooking fast. Besides this, a
        many day-ticket waters. The ideal hook when fish have a softer mouth for   micro barb also unhooks easily and reduces the damage to fish" mouth to
        instance in the summer when water temperatures are high! By line-aligning   a minimum. The special "flat forged curved shank" gives it extra power and
        this hook it will penetrate even quicker.              resistance. The ultra thin point offers the ultimate hooking effect.
           Code    Barcode  Color  Size  SU
         185032-1200  8HLGSPB*cedgfi+  Grey  12  10=10x10         Code    Barcode  Color  Hook   SU
         185032-1000  8HLGSPB*cedggf+  Grey  10  10=10x10                               Size
         185032-800  8HLGSPB*cedghc+  Grey  8  10=10x10         185035-1200  8HLGSPB*cedicf+  Grey  12  10=10x10
         185032-600  8HLGSPB*cedgij+  Grey  6  10=10x10         185035-1000  8HLGSPB*cedidc+  Grey  10  10=10x10
         185032-400  8HLGSPB*cedgjg+  Grey  4  10=10x10          185035-800  8HLGSPB*cediej+  Grey  8  10=10x10
                                                                 185035-600  8HLGSPB*cedifg+  Grey  6  10=10x10
                                                                 185035-400  8HLGSPB*cedigd+  Grey  4  10=10x10
                                                                 185035-200  8HLGSPB*cediha+  Grey  2  10=10x10

                  012    010    008      006      004

                                                                       012   010   008   006    004     002

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