Page 285 - Spro2019EN
P. 285


        This Tremarella line comes in a deep black colour and offers just   Trout Master Monofilament is an ultra-high performance line
        the right dose of stretch to fight big trout. Also when fishing lighter,   designed for trout fishing. This sinking monofilament has a very
        this high performance line offers sufficient breaking strength to   low stretch which aids in setting the hook and provides more
        successfully bag the fish. The line also features an amazing knot   feedback through the rod. This line is incredibly strong for its
        strength. Thereby, the line is soft with a smooth surface. The ideal   diameter.
        line for modern trout fishing.

                                                                 Code     Barcode  Dia. mm Br. Str.  SU
          Code    Barcode  Dia. mm Br. Str.  SU                  5065-16  8HLGSPB*dhdecd+  0,16mm  2,8kg  1=5x1
          5059-16  8HLGSPB*chdcbb+  0,16mm  2,3kg  1=6x1         5065-18  8HLGSPB*dhdeda+  0,18mm  3,5kg  1=5x1
          5059-18  8HLGSPB*chdcci+  0,18mm  2,7kg  1=6x1         5065-20  8HLGSPB*dhdeeh+  0,20mm  4,2kg  1=5x1
          5059-20  8HLGSPB*chdcdf+  0,20mm  3,5kg  1=6x1         5065-22  8HLGSPB*dhdefe+  0,22mm  4,98kg  1=5x1
          5059-22  8HLGSPB*chdcec+  0,22mm  3,8kg  1=6x1         5065-25  8HLGSPB*dhdegb+  0,25mm  6,2kg  1=5x1

        TROUT MASTER UFO FLOAT                                 TROUT MASTER SWIVEL

        Put the UFO float on the main line followed by a pilot-float and a swivel. Take   SNAP PILOT
        care that the pilot float is big enough to support the small swivel, keeping it   When fishing with UFO floats or floating sbirolinos this small fluorecent pilot
        at the surface. Then put another pilot float on the 150-200cm leader and tie   float ensures your swivel stays floating on the surface to avoide creating an
        it to the swivel. If the water ripples you can put a slightly larger pilot float on   unwated zig zag effect in the rig.
        the leader so that it gives an extra movement to the hook bait.
        Please note: the weight, fixed to the bottom, is a perfect fit and will not fall

                                                                 Code     Barcode  SU
                                                                 4163-501  8HLGSPB*dideeg+  1=5x5

                                                               TROUT MASTER OVAL FAST PILOT

                                                               These oval shaped pilot floats can be quickly changed using the provided
                                                               float rubbers. The slit in the body ensures your line remains straight, fed
                                                               directly through the pilot float.

                                                                       402             401        403
                                                                      (12mm)          (10mm)     (16mm)

          Code    Barcode  Weight  SU                            Code     Barcode  SU
          4170-700  8HLGSPB*ceifda+  5g  1=5x1                   4163-401  8HLGSPB*didebf+  1=5x5
          4170-701  8HLGSPB*ceifeh+  8g  1=5x1                   4163-402  8HLGSPB*didecc+  1=5x4
          4170-702  8HLGSPB*ceiffe+  10g  1=5x1                  4163-403  8HLGSPB*didedj+  1=5x3

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