Page 290 - Spro2019EN
P. 290
In true Japanese style, a new premium micro spoon is available from
Troutmaster! The spoons have an extremely lively action for such a
lightweight lure. An ultra sharp single barbed hook is fixed with a strong gun
smoke split ring.
Code Barcode Weight Color SU
4917-101 8HLGSPB*dgaifa+ 0,5g Saibling 1=5x1
4917-102 8HLGSPB*dgaigh+ 0,5g Rainbow 1=5x1
Saibling Rainbow Melon
4917-103 8HLGSPB*dgaihe+ 0,5g Melon 1=5x1
4917-104 8HLGSPB*dgaiib+ 0,5g Devilish 1=5x1
4917-105 8HLGSPB*dgaiji+ 0,5g Maggot 1=5x1
Devilish Maggot Violet
4917-106 8HLGSPB*dgajae+ 0,5g Violet 1=5x1
4917-107 8HLGSPB*dgajbb+ 0,5g Black n White 1=5x1
4917-108 8HLGSPB*dgajci+ 0,5g Sunshine 1=5x1
Black ´n White Sunshine Minnow
4917-109 8HLGSPB*dgajdf+ 0,5g Minnow 1=5x1
4917-110 8HLGSPB*dgajec+ 0,5g Rust 1=5x1
Rust Aurora Pearlmutt 4917-111 8HLGSPB*dhcfcf+ 0,5g Aurora 1=5x1
4917-112 8HLGSPB*dhcfdc+ 0,5g Pearlmutt 1=5x1
Code Barcode Weight Color SU Code Barcode Weight Color SU
4917-201 8HLGSPB*dgajfj+ 1,5g Saibling 1=5x1 4917-301 8HLGSPB*dhceac+ 2,5g Saibling 1=5x1
4917-202 8HLGSPB*dgajgg+ 1,5g Rainbow 1=5x1 4917-302 8HLGSPB*dhcebj+ 2,5g Rainbow 1=5x1
4917-203 8HLGSPB*dgajhd+ 1,5g Melon 1=5x1 4917-303 8HLGSPB*dhcecg+ 2,5g Melon 1=5x1
4917-204 8HLGSPB*dgajia+ 1,5g Devilish 1=5x1 4917-304 8HLGSPB*dhcedd+ 2,5g Devilish 1=5x1
4917-205 8HLGSPB*dgajjh+ 1,5g Maggot 1=5x1 4917-305 8HLGSPB*dhceea+ 2,5g Maggot 1=5x1
4917-206 8HLGSPB*dgbaaa+ 1,5g Violet 1=5x1 4917-306 8HLGSPB*dhcefh+ 2,5g Violet 1=5x1
4917-207 8HLGSPB*dgbabh+ 1,5g Black n White 1=5x1 4917-307 8HLGSPB*dhcege+ 2,5g Black n White 1=5x1
4917-208 8HLGSPB*dgbace+ 1,5g Sunshine 1=5x1 4917-308 8HLGSPB*dhcehb+ 2,5g Sunshine 1=5x1
4917-209 8HLGSPB*dgbadb+ 1,5g Minnow 1=5x1 4917-309 8HLGSPB*dhceii+ 2,5g Minnow 1=5x1
4917-210 8HLGSPB*dgbaei+ 1,5g Rust 1=5x1 4917-310 8HLGSPB*dhcejf+ 2,5g Rust 1=5x1
4917-211 8HLGSPB*dhcfej+ 1,5g Aurora 1=5x1 4917-311 8HLGSPB*dhcfab+ 2,5g Aurora 1=5x1
4917-212 8HLGSPB*dhcffg+ 1,5g Pearlmutt 1=5x1 4917-312 8HLGSPB*dhcfbi+ 2,5g Pearlmutt 1=5x1
Some of the smallest inline spoons on the market! These spoons offer two different actions depending on which
dicrection they are put on the line. One spinning action and another erratic action. Each spoon comes complete with
a gold pearl and a single barbed hook.
Saibling Rainbow Melon Devilish Maggot Violet
Black n White Sunshine Minnow Rust Aurora Pearlmutt
Code Barcode Weight Color SU Code Barcode Weight Color SU
4917-501 8HLGSPB*dhdach+ 1,5g Saibling 1=5x1 4917-601 8HLGSPB*dhdbfh+ 3,0g Saibling 1=5x1
4917-502 8HLGSPB*dhdade+ 1,5g Rainbow 1=5x1 4917-602 8HLGSPB*dhdbge+ 3,0g Rainbow 1=5x1
4917-503 8HLGSPB*dhdaeb+ 1,5g Melon 1=5x1 4917-603 8HLGSPB*dhdbhb+ 3,0g Melon 1=5x1
4917-504 8HLGSPB*dhdafi+ 1,5g Devilish 1=5x1 4917-604 8HLGSPB*dhdbii+ 3,0g Devilish 1=5x1
4917-505 8HLGSPB*dhdagf+ 1,5g Maggot 1=5x1 4917-605 8HLGSPB*dhdbjf+ 3,0g Maggot 1=5x1
4917-506 8HLGSPB*dhdahc+ 1,5g Violet 1=5x1 4917-606 8HLGSPB*dhdcab+ 3,0g Violet 1=5x1
4917-507 8HLGSPB*dhdaij+ 1,5g Black n White 1=5x1 4917-607 8HLGSPB*dhdcbi+ 3,0g Black n White 1=5x1
4917-508 8HLGSPB*dhdajg+ 1,5g Sunshine 1=5x1 4917-608 8HLGSPB*dhdccf+ 3,0g Sunshine 1=5x1
4917-509 8HLGSPB*dhdbac+ 1,5g Minnow 1=5x1 4917-609 8HLGSPB*dhdcdc+ 3,0g Minnow 1=5x1
4917-510 8HLGSPB*dhdbbj+ 1,5g Rust 1=5x1 4917-610 8HLGSPB*dhdcej+ 3,0g Rust 1=5x1
4917-511 8HLGSPB*dhdbcg+ 1,5g Aurora 1=5x1 4917-611 8HLGSPB*dhdcfg+ 3,0g Aurora 1=5x1
4917-512 8HLGSPB*dhdbdd+ 1,5g Pearlmutt 1=5x1 4917-612 8HLGSPB*dhdcgd+ 3,0g Pearlmutt 1=5x1