Page 282 - Spro2019EN
P. 282
This casting weight is invisible under water and is especially designed to fish WEIGHT 'OLIVE'
in shallow waters or waters with medium to heavy currents.
The ideal add-on weight for Trout float set-ups. Above the water this
provides extra weight for long distance casting of small lures and light floats;
underwater the weights neutralizes, remaining the original buoyancy of the
lure or float.
Code Barcode Weight SU Code Barcode Weight SU
4618-36 8HLGSPB*cajagh+ 3g 1=10x3 4618-39 8HLGSPB*cajaji+ 3g 1=10x4
4618-37 8HLGSPB*cajahe+ 4g 1=10x3 4618-40 8HLGSPB*cajbae+ 4g 1=10x4
4618-38 8HLGSPB*cajaib+ 5g 1=10x3 4618-41 8HLGSPB*cajbbb+ 5g 1=10x4
create a similar motion and sound like pellets dropping on the water when trout are fed. This arouses curiosity and leads to a feeding frenzy. Everything that passes
is considered eatable and as result there is often a lot of fish catching when using these rattles accessories. This technique is now used in three different products;
the floating Samba Sbirolino, the sinking Samba Sbirolino and the Glass Rattle Samba.
Code Barcode Weight Action SU
4618-42 8HLGSPB*cbfeea+ 3g Slow Sinking 1=10x2
4618-43 8HLGSPB*cbfefh+ 4g Slow Sinking 1=10x2
4618-44 8HLGSPB*cbfege+ 5g Slow Sinking 1=10x2
Code Barcode Weight Action SU
4618-45 8HLGSPB*cbfehb+ 5g Floating 1=10x1
4618-46 8HLGSPB*cbfeii+ 8g Floating 1=10x1
4618-47 8HLGSPB*cbfejf+ 10g Floating 1=10x1
4618-48 8HLGSPB*cbffab+ 15g Floating 1=10x1
4618-49 8HLGSPB*cbffbi+ 20g Floating 1=10x1
Code Barcode Weight Action SU
4618-52 8HLGSPB*cbffcf+ 5g Slow Sinking 1=10x1
4618-53 8HLGSPB*cbffdc+ 8g Slow Sinking 1=10x1
4618-54 8HLGSPB*cbffej+ 10g Slow Sinking 1=10x1
4618-55 8HLGSPB*cbfffg+ 15g Slow Sinking 1=10x1
4618-56 8HLGSPB*cbffgd+ 20g Slow Sinking 1=10x1