Page 226 - Spro2019EN
P. 226

P  R  E  D  A  T  O  R

        TUNGSTEN NAIL SINKERS                                   PIKE FIGHTER BIG EYE SCREW

        Little tungsten nails to add to soft lures and create the specific desired   Big eyes on lures are a great attractor for giant predators. These huge
        action. Nail weights are frequently used in the USA for the "wacky" style of   reflective eyes can be easily screwed tightly into any softbait to give it an
        fishing, but is also beneficial in the European soft lure fishing.   extra boost.

           Code    Barcode  Weight  SU
         4622-2700-9  8HLGSPB*dajgjj+  0,9g  1=10x6
         4622-2700-13  8HLGSPB*dajhaf+  1,3g  1=10x5
         4622-2700-18  8HLGSPB*dajhbc+  1,8g  1=10x4
         4622-2700-22 8HLGSPB*dajhcj+  2,2g  1=10x3


        Our high grade tungsten drop shot weights provide a smaller and more
        subtle rig presentation. Perfect for modern finnesse fishing.

                                                                          4622 010/040  4622 020/050  4622 030/060

                                                                   Code    Barcode  Color  Size  SU
           Code    Barcode  Weight  SU                           4622-2900-10 8HLGSPB*dcfjde+  Gold  12mm  1=10x4
         4622-3200-35 8HLGSPB*dcidig+  3,2g  1=10x3              4622-2900-20 8HLGSPB*dcfjeb+  Orange  12mm  1=10x4
         4622-3200-52 8HLGSPB*dcidjd+  5,2g  1=10x3              4622-2900-30 8HLGSPB*dcfjfi+  Silver  12mm  1=10x4
         4622-3200-70 8HLGSPB*dcieaj+  7g  1=10x3                4622-2900-40 8HLGSPB*dcfjhc+  Gold  16mm  1=10x4
         4622-3200-105 8HLGSPB*dciebg+  10g  1=10x2              4622-2900-50 8HLGSPB*dcfjij+  Orange  16mm  1=10x4
         4622-3200-140 8HLGSPB*dciecd+  14g  1=10x2              4622-2900-60 8HLGSPB*dcfjjg+  Silver  16mm  1=10x4


        Pencil shaped dropshot weights with a special clip allowing a knotless
        connection. The shape is popular due to its good casting characteristics,
        it allows the most subtle and effective presentation.

           Code    Barcode  Weight  SU
         4622-2200-35 8HLGSPB*ddccfd+  3,5g  1=10x5
         4622-2200-52 8HLGSPB*dajfbe+  5,2g  1=10x5
         4622-2200-70 8HLGSPB*dajfcb+  7g  1=10x5
         4622-2200-105 8HLGSPB*dajfdi+  10,5g  1=10x4
         4622-2200-140 8HLGSPB*dajfef+  14g  1=10x4
         4622-2200-180 8HLGSPB*dajffc+  18g  1=10x4
         4622-2200-210 8HLGSPB*dajfgj+  21g  1=10x4
         4622-2200-280 8HLGSPB*dhfejg+  28g  1=10x3

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