Page 347 - MIKADO2021EN
P. 347


              LIVE BAIT FLOATING KEEPING NET                                 CAT TERRITORY
              Floating CAT TERRITORY keepnet enables comfortable             ROD REST
              storage of live fish that will be used as a bite. Floating ring   A rod rest made specifically forstationary
              made of buoyant, coated foam, keeps a durable, rubber          catfish fishing. The steel structure and
              coated mesh on a surface.                                      a long bottom part guarantee stability
                                                                             when the rest is in the ground. Easy to
                                                                             open to retrieve your rod during a bite,
                                                                             even if the fish is huge.

                 S23-4040-60  40 x 60
                 S23-5555-90  55 x 90                                            AMP04-CT   95
                           SU-1                                                           SU-1

              CAT TERRITORY CATFISH MAT                                                LANDING GLOVE
              Upon special request of our customers we introduced                      Handy, rubber glove made for predator fish
              a very solid Cat Territory catfish mat to our range. It                  grabbing. Handy, magnet clip allows to quickly
              allows to weight and measure a large fish. On top of                     detach it during hauling in order not to get cut
              that it is easy to clean and does not absorb scents, being               during landing of a large catch.
              also damage-resistant.

                                                                                              UMR-10-R    1
                  IS14-CT001  180 x 260                                                       UMR-10-L    1
                           SU-1                                                                         SU-1

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