Page 345 - MIKADO2021EN
P. 345


              OMK-46 FAT DRIFT                    OMK-49 SLIM DRIFT                   OMK-50 CLONKER
              Classic catfish run-through weight in a round   Catfish weight that - due to its smooth shape,   A catfish lead designed for clonk/driftfishing in
              shape. Works with every technique.  has very little drag under the water; it is hence   low and medium flowingwaters.
                                                  recommended for drift and clonk angling in a
                                                  heavy current.
                                BR                          BR                                              BR

                                           BK                     BK                                             BK
                                                                                                                G  PCS
                X                       G  PCS      X                       G  PCS      X
                                                                                                      OMK-050x-100  100  1
                              OMK-46x-100  100  10                 OMK-49x-100  100  10               OMK-050x-150  150  1
               BR                                  BR                                  BR
                               OMK-46x-150  150  10                OMK-49x-150  150  10               OMK-050x-200  200  1
                              OMK-46x-200  200  10                OMK-49x-200  200  5                 OMK-050x-250  250  1
               BK                                  BK                                  BK
                              OMK-46x-250  250  5                 OMK-49x-250  250  2                 OMK-050x-300  300  1
                              OMK-46x-300  300  2                 OMK-49x-300  300  2                 OMK-050x-400  400  1
                                         SU-1                                SU-1                                SU-1

              Territory Catvert is a weight with an eye
              and a snap, made for vertical catfish rig
              arming. Its rubber coating minimizes                                      X                       G  PCS
              electrostatic field and increases number                                         
              of strikes. Thick and sturdy wire arantees                                R              OMK-51X-100  100  1
              proper power during hauling.                                                             OMK-51X-150  150  1
                                                                                                       OMK-51X-200  200  1

                                                                                                       OMK-51X-250  250  1
                                                         R                      BK

              BEARING SWIVEL                      ROLLING SWIVEL                      BALL BEARING SWIVEL
              WITH SCREW                          Catfish angling requires the sturdiest and the most  WITH SOLID RING
              SNAP                                durable equipment possible. That is why we made
                                                  our swivels of the highest grade steel.

                                                      2/0    3/0     4/0                5     6      7       8
               4        5       6
                                       KG                                  KG
                                           PCS                                 PCS
                                                                                                 AMA-C4001-5  5  70  5
                         AMA-C4032-4  4  90  5              AMA-C2001-2/0  2/0  80  5            AMA-C4001-6  6  85  5
                         AMA-C4032-5  5  125  5             AMA-C2001-3/0  3/0  105  5           AMA-C4001-7  7  105  5
                         AMA-C4032-6  6  145  5             AMA-C2001-4/0  4/0  140  5           AMA-C4001-8  8  130  5
                                        SU-5                                SU-5                                SU-5

              ROLLING SWIVEL WITH SNAP            CAT TERRITORY                       CAT TERRITORY SLEEVES
              TYPE GERMAN A                       STOPPERS


                                                                                                              MM   PCS
                                       KG                                                            AMA-C7001-0.6  0.6  20
                                                                                                     AMA-C7001-0.8  0.8  20
                         AMA-C2030-2  2  35  5                                                       AMA-C7001-1.2  1.2  20
                        AMA-C2030-1/0  1/0  50  5                       AMR7046  1                   AMA-C7001-1.4  1.4  20
                                        SU-5                                SU-10                               SU-5

                          /MikadoTotalFishing                                                      MIKADO 2021     343
   340   341   342   343   344   345   346   347   348   349   350