Page 351 - MIKADO2021EN
P. 351


              LF01 PILKERS
              Very effective pilkers that resemble a herring                                                       G
              with their look and action. Fitted with a salt-                                            LF01-080  80
              water resistant treble hooks and an interesting   LF01-100/X                               LF01-100  100
              palette of coatings, they work extremely well in                                           LF01-125  125
              the Baltic sea. Available in weights from 80 to                                            LF01-150  150
              300 grams.                                                                                 LF01-200  200
                                                                                                         LF01-250  250
                                                                                                         LF01-300  300

                   03          13           18          PH           201          202         203          204

              LF13 PILKERS
              Pilkers that look like a sand lance were tested   LF13-130/X                                         G
              a number of times at the sea. Their slender
              build and alluring action work great during cod                                            LF13-100  100
              angling. Available in number of colours and                                                LF13-130  130
              weights from 100 to 260 grams.                                                             LF13-160  160
                                                                                                         LF13-200  200
                                                                                                         LF13-260  260

                    03         06         09         20         128        129        131       133        CR

                                                                  LF249 PILKERS
                                                                  Lures that imitate marine fish were proven       G
                                                                  to be effective in various conditions and   LF249-080  80
                                                                  seasons. Their unusual weight distribution   LF249-100  100
                                                                  and attractive coatings deliver some   LF249-120  120
                                                                  amazing results. Available in 6 different   LF249-150  150
                                                                  weight versions, from 80 to 200 grams.  LF249-180  180
                                                                                                        LF249-200  200


                                                                      45         49       201       202       204

                          /MikadoTotalFishing                                                      MIKADO 2021     349
   346   347   348   349   350   351   352   353   354   355   356