Page 255 - MIKADO2021EN
P. 255


              MF BAIT SPIKE                       BAIT SPIKE WITH CONNECTOR           BAIT BANDS ON RING
              Special needle facilitating lure placement on   Special needle with a connector, facilitating bait   Silicone rubber bands for bait placement in
              method feeder rigs. All that needs to be done   placement in method feeder type rigs. Just place   method feeder type rigs. Just place the band on
              is to pierce the bait or a soft pellet with a needle,   the connector on the hook, pierce the needle   a hook through a smaller eye and place the bait in
              twist it to secure the barb and the rig is ready   through the ball or a soft pellet and turn it to lock   the other one. Easy and simple way of pellet and
              to use.                             the barb in; you are all set to cast a rig.  dumbels fixing to bottom rigs.

                                   MM                                  MM                                  MM
                                       PCS                                 PCS                                 PCS
                      AMF17-7      7   10                 AMF18-7      7   12                 AMF19-4      4   24
                      AMF17-10     10  10                 AMF18-10     10  12                 AMF19-6      6   18
                                    SU-10                               SU-5                                SU-5

              PUSH STOP NEEDLE                    METHOD FEEDER SIEVE                 METHOD FEEDER BUCKET
              Precise needle made for Push Stop rigs lure   Compact fishing sieve perfect for sieving small   Bucket made of „soft” plastic, crack resistant.
              fitting. Must-have tool for quick Method Feeder   amounts of bait, pellets or rinsing bloodworms   17 liters of capacity.
              rigs arming.                        larvae. Absolute must-have for professional float
                                                  and bottom anglers.

                                                                         CM                                  L
                        AMF021       1                    IS15-SITO15X15/3  15x15            UABW-17-GREEN   17
                                   SU-1                                SU-1                                SU-1

              MF DISTANCE STICKS
              Set of professional poles made for precise casting
              distance measurement. Just stick them into the
              ground 3 meters apart from each other and start
              coating them with a fishing line. Count layers
              of the line to tell the distance and cast into the
              same spot.

                       AMF20-3       2

                          /MikadoTotalFishing                                                      MIKADO 2021     253
   250   251   252   253   254   255   256   257   258   259   260