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The revolutionary design is patented in a number Ergo Grip handle knob is an extremely comfortable Okuma’s Strike Zone linecounter system incorporates a Corrosion Resistant Coating combines Okuma’s propri-
of countries around the world and is the soul of the oversized handle-knob design for both speed and pow- mechanical counter that precisely measures line based etary HDG-II gearing system, which offers exceptional
Okuma mid to upper-end spinning reel range. The Pre- er. This soft-touch knob has been ergonomically de- on spool revolutions. These counters measure in feet anti-corrosive properties compared to standard gears,
cision Elliptical Gearing design uses elliptical shaped VLJQHG WR ¿W LQ WKH SDOP RI \RXU KDQG DQG ZLOO EH IRXQG and are calibrated at the factory to be most accurate with with a coating of Corrosion X HD to all internal and ex-
oscillation gears which provide exceptional line lay, on certain Okuma lever drag reels, star drag reels and D IXOO VSRRO DQG PRQR¿ODPHQW OLQHV ternal parts. The CRC process actually penetrates and
improved smoothness and maximum long-life durabil- some spinning reel models. ERQGV WR WKH PHWDO ZKLFK KHOSV VLJQL¿FDQWO\ WRZDUG
ity. The gears are always engaged and provide a very long term protection.
smoothspool stroke, eliminating the spool from jumping
as commonly found on many reels.
This system allows for instant handle engagement and RES II
eliminates all handle back play commonly found in The RES II System stands for Rotor Equalizing Sys- CYCLONIC FLOW ROTOR
HIGH PERFORMANCE BALL BEARINGS many reels. This is accomplished by using a corrosion- tem. This second-generation RES System incorporates The Cyclonic Flow Rotor (CFR) was designed to create
The balls used on the HPB’s are constructed from the resistant stainless steel roller bearing that engages the a computer-balanced weight precisely placed in the D ³F\FORQLF´ DLUÀRZ ZKLFK VLJQL¿FDQWO\ LQFUHDVHV DLU
same high-grade stainless steel material as the bearing reel in one direction for rock-solid hook sets. rotor. This weight allows for precision balance and ÀRZ WKURXJK WKH SRUWHG URWRU 7KLV WKRURXJKO\ WHVW-
housing. These bearings were designed to be more eliminates all spool wobble for perfect alignments and ed design allows for a much faster drying time if the
than 10 times more resistant to saltwater than standard smooth cranking. reel becomes wet, minimizing corrosion possibilities
stainless steel bearings. These bearings may even out- throughout the reel.
last the angler himself.
The Hydro Block design features a rubber gasket mount- MAXGEAR REACH FOR THE MAX
ed in the top of a spinning reel spool. This rubber seal CARBONITE Okuma’s Makaira spinning reels are in a class of their
blocks water and foreign materials from entering the drag 7KHVH KLJKO\ HI¿FLHQW FDUERQ ¿EUH GUDJ ZDVKHUV GH- own, featuring a forged stainless steel, machined MAX-
BODY ARMOR system. The Hydro Block system ensures that your drag crease friction as drag pressure and spool velocity in- GEAR. While the majority of reels in this category fea-
Okuma’s stainless steel Body Armor eliminates the washers always perform at optimal levels. creases. The heat dissipating properties found on these ture bronze, aluminum or simple machine cut stainless
IUDPH ÀH[ FRPPRQO\ IRXQG LQ JUDSKLWH IUDPHG WUROOLQJ US made drag washers produce one of the smoothest, steel gears, the Makaira’s class leading main gears are
reels. This feature incorporates two large stainless most precise and longest lasting drag systems avail- machine cut forged stainless steel. We ported the main
steel rings that are mounted to both sides of the frame. DEOH LQ WKH ¿VKLQJ WDFNOH LQGXVWU\ gear and incorporated other design elements to keep it
The harness lugs are integrated into the body armor OLJKW ZHLJKW HQRXJK IRU \RX WR ¿VK DOO GD\ 1R FRPSUR-
design and eliminate the pressure commonly placed on mises were made in the internal design of MAXGEAR.
the harness lugs by redistributing the pressure to these The pinion gear and heat treated spool shaft are 17-4
large-diameter rings. BAITFEEDING SYSTEM grade machine cut stainless steel. They are rust proof
Okuma’s patented baitfeeding system allows anglers
to disengage their spinning reel spool and allow their and were optimized to work with braided line and the
bait to run freely. The baitfeeding system incorporates a reels high-output drag.
secondary micro-adjustable drag system at the rear of SELF LUBRICATING GEAR SYSTEM
the reel that allows for precise adjustment of the spool The self-lubricating gear system is a feature found on
for bait control. Okuma’s higher-end star drag reels. The main gear on
XL GEARING this system incorporates a heat-sensitive oil-impregnat-
The XL gearing design found on both lever drag and ed brass bushing that is mounted in the center of the
star drag reels incorporates an oversized gear box that gear. This system releases oil if friction increases to keep TORSION CONTROL ARMOR
features an enlarged gearing system and enlarged the main gear and drive shaft running smoothly in all con- The Torsion Control Armor (TCA) design found on the
drag system. The drag surface areas on this system GLWLRQV 2NXPD LV WKH ¿UVW FRPSDQ\ WR DGRSW WKLV WHFKQRO- new Inspria spinning reels is made with Okuma’s C-40X
are more than 50% larger than a standard gear-box de- ogy which originated in the large machine industry where ORQJ VWUDQG FDUERQ ¿EHU WHFKQRORJ\ 7KLV QRW RQO\ PDNHV
sign. For the gear system, the major advantage is that HDGII this function has been time tested for many years. the reel lighter, but also makes the reel extremely rigid
the gear teeth are substantially larger, allowing more Okuma’s proprietary High Density Gearing II incor- which reduces twist and torque and keeps the internal
strength and cranking power. This is how we are able parts in perfect alignment.
WR RIIHU D KLJK VSHHG JHDU UDWLR UHHO ZLWKRXW VDFUL¿FLQJ porates an extremely strong alloy composition with a
cranking power. Our XL gearing system essentially special anti-corrosion coating process. The result is
high density, corrosion resistant gears that are built to
turns your reel into a winch.
handle the severe elements and brutal strains placed
on a reel’s internal gear system.
Okuma’s 2-speed technology incorporates two sets of
stainless steel main and pinion gears, allowing anglers
the option of a high-speed gear ratio or a powerful low- HIPPO GRIP
speed gear ratio for maximum power and torque. To The Hippo Grip is a unique reel-clamp design that
EFR II shift gears it is as easy as pushing a button or popping VHUYHV WULSOH GXW\ ZKHQ ¿VKLQJ RIIVKRUH 7KLV KHDY\ GX-
The Even Flow Roller System utilizes a ball bearing SPEED LOCK PINION GEAR SYSTEM a lever with Okuma’s unique shifting design to obtain ty, forged aluminum reel clamp securely supports your
XQGHU WKH OLQH UROOHU WR PD[LPL]H HI¿FLHQF\ 7KLV UROOHU The SLG technology incorporates a dual-step pinion gear the appropriate gear ratio you desire. reel to the rod for maximum safety. This clamp also
helps reduce line twists by freely rolling over the line system on star drag reels that allows positive engaging at incorporates a small hole that was designed to be used
roller without friction. Without this system, line will natu- extreme high speeds. The SLG system allows for instant with a safety line for trolling. On the rear of the clamp
rally twist when drag is pulled. gear engagement when engaging from freespool to strike is a large diameter hole that was designed to be used
at speeds in excess of 50 MPH. as a trigger. The large hole should be mounted facing
the butt of the rod.
The unique new design can be found on Okuma’s low
DFD incorporates both surfaces of the spool to max- MACHINED RIGID FRAME quick access to the spool by simply sliding the lock/
LPL]H KLJK HQG GUDJ SUHVVXUH HI¿FLHQF\ DQG RYHUDOO Okuma’s Machined Rigid Frame construction incor- unlock lever on the side plate opposite the handle. This T-BAR HANDLE
smoothness. Mounted in the top of the spool and pro- porates a one-piece fully-machined aluminum frame. system allows quick spool changes, but more impor- The patented design of the T-Bar handle offers a true
tected by the Hydro Block system is a multi-disc felt These rigid bar-stock aluminum frames are the ultimate tantly it allows quick access for adjusting the Velocity ergonomically correct angle to ensure an angler gets
drag system that works in conjunction with a secondary in precision alignment and tolerances withstanding more Control System. maximum power with minimum fatigue. The T-bar takes
drag system that is mounted under the spool. Even pressure and torque than any other material used in our full advantage of the natural dynamics of the human
pressure is applied to both surfaces of the spool for industry for frame materials. hand, wrist and forearm to help sustain power and en-
maximum stability. durance for the angler.
Okuma’s C-40X carbon technology utilizes a specially
This heavy-duty, stainless steel levelwind is Titanium material are elongated and reinforced, creating a sub- MECHANICAL STABILIZING SYSTEM
ALUMILITE FRAME CONSTRUCTION coated and built to withstand the punishment of braided stantially stronger composite than standard graphite
AlumiLite construction incorporates Okuma’s rigid alu- and wire lines. The guide has been designed with an in- materials. At 25% lighter, 1.5 times stronger and 100% Strong, Stable, Smooth - Okuma’s Mechanical Stabilizing
PLQXP ERG\ WHFKQRORJ\ RQ VSLQQLQJ WUROOLQJ DQG À\ UHHO creased opening to insure proper knot clearance when anti-corrosive, C-40X translates into an extremely light- System is a support system that ties the spool shaft, pin-
designs. Aluminum frames are stronger and more rigid ¿VKLQJ ZLWK GRXEOH OLQHV 7KLV ZLGH VSDFH DOORZV IRU weight and durable construction. ion gear, pinion gear bearing, drive shaft and main gear
and are capable of withstanding more pressure and Albright or similar connection knots, as well as swivels together with a single support system. While other reels
torque than traditional graphite frames. and copper line to pass through the guide easier and be on the market offer minimal or no gear stabilization, this
patented Okuma design allows all of these critical parts to
support system stabilizes the spool shaft at 3 key stress
translates into a reel that is more durable, stronger and
smoother than the competition.