Page 244 - SvendsenSport2021EN
P. 244


          the rod bends throughout the blank”

                                                                          EXTRA FAST        POWER CLASS
                                                                     Extra fast, tipped bend curve with a
                                                                      stiff bottom and middle section
                                                                                            ³'H¿QLQJ WKH 3RZHU RI WKH URG  IURP
                                                                             FAST           Super ultra light, to 3X heavy”
                                                                      Fast, tipped bend curve, with a
                                                                      stiffer bottom and middle section    SUL   Super Ultra Light
                                                                                            UL     Ultra Light
                                                                        MODERATE FAST       L      Light
                                                                     Moderate Fast, more tipped bend   ML  Medium Light
                                                                     curve, with a stiffer bottom section
                                                                                            M      Medium
                                                                          MODERATE          MH     Medium Heavy
                                                                      Moderate parabollic bend curve,   H  Heavy
                                                                      with a somewhat stiffer bottom   XH  Extra Heavy
                                                                                            XXH    Extra, Extra Heavy
                                                                          PARABOLIC         3XH    3X Extra Heavy
                                                                      Thru going parabollic bend curve,
                                                                     mainly downrigger and UL trout rods

         CASTING WEIGHT VERTICAL LURE WEIGHT LINE CLASS                                     PE LINE RATING

          ³'H¿QLQJ OXUH ZHLJKW LQWHUYDO WKDW WKH URG   ³'H¿QLQJ OXUH ZHLJKW LQWHUYDO WKDW WKH URG LV GHVLJQHG WR   “Line Class rating is meant to sug-  “PE Line Rating Refers to the Op-
          is designed to work within. In other words   ZRUN ZLWKLQ  IRU ¿VKLQJ YHUWLFDO  ,Q RWKHU ZRUGV ZKDW LV   gest the normal breaking strength   timum PE braid diameters that
          what is the minimum and maximum   the minimum and maximum weight that the rod will al-  of line that can be paired with a   provides ultimate performance to
          weight that the rod will allow you to cast   low you to use, for applying perfect action, yet still have   properly adjusted reel. If a rod says   D URG  IRU FDVWLQJ RU YHUWLFDO ¿VKLQJ´
          at maximum distance”     feel and power to set the hooks”      OE \RX VKRXOG EH DEOH WR ¿JKW D
                                                                     ¿VK  ZLWK  UHDVRQDEOH  GUDJ  ZLWKRXW
                                                                     breaking the rod. You should not run
          237 &:                                                     50lb mainline and a 30lb leader with
                                                                     an 8-12lb rod.  Line rating is mainly
          ³2SWLPXP FDVWLQJ :HLJKW  7KH RSWLPXP                       for Trolling and downrigger rods”
          casting weight, where the rod performs
          perfect, effortless, distance and precis-
          cion casting”
                                                                     THE BLANK
                                                                     Savage Gear blanks are made from original Ja-
                                                                     panse Toray Carbon mat material, with 24T, 30T,
                                                                     40T and 46T ratings. T is for Tonnage, which a is
                                                                     numeric value for rating graphite. The higher the
                                                                     graphite tonnage the stiffer the graphite is and the
                                                                     more vibrations are transmitted through the rod.
                                                                     As tonnage increases less material is required to
                                                                     achieve the same action reducing the weight of the
                                                                     rod and increasing sensitivity.

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