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                                                              Hooks produced from imported high carbon steel BKK-81WV to achieve a high
                               Diamond Series                 level of strength and elasticity. Chemically sharpened to obtain sticky sharp points
                               BKK-81WV                       and electroplated with imported alloys, this represents the highest standard that
                                                              only BKK can achieve.
                                 Japan import material

                   Weight (kg)
                            BKK-81WV                                         Common materials
                                               BKK-81WV                                   Abrasion resistance

                      Common              Common materials                   Common materials
                                            Elasticity                            BKK-81WV
                                                                             Common materials

                 Hook coating

                 SUPER – SLIDE                                                             ULTRA – ANTIRUST
                 Super Slide: this coating enhances the penetration ability of the hook    Ultra-Antirust: in 2014, BKK
                 by its extremely low friction capabilities. In practical testing it can  Ultra-Antirust  launched this antirust coating
                 penetrate fish’s mouth with a little bit of power, however due to its     technology, its hardness and salt
                 low coefficient of friction, the adherence of the bait on the hook is not  corrosion resistance is superior to all,
                 optimal. Although Super -Slide is somewhat corrosion resistant, it is     and is the crown of all current plating
                 best used on single hooks and trebles for freshwater applications.        coating.

                                                 Traditional slide                         Storage:

                                           Friction     Pressure                           Keep hooks with Ultra-Antirust
                                                                                           coating away from items made
                                                                                           of lead.


                                NICKEL                                               MATTE TIN
                                With a silvery white metal gloss finish, the high    With a smooth pure matte tin layer, this finish
                                hardness performance increases the abrasion          has an elegant appearance which will help
                                resistance of the hook point, however the salt       the most vigilant fish still bite. High corrosion
                                corrosion resistance is not optimal, therefore       resistance to salt water, it is suitable for salt
                                these are best suited for fresh water fishing.       water hooks.

                                BLACK NICKEL                                         BRIGHT TIN
                                With a black metal gloss finish, the high            Incompasing a shining and smooth pure tin
                                hardness performance can increase abrasion           layer, elegant appearance with high corrosion
                                resistance of the hook point. Black Nickle finish    resistance to salt water. The light reflection of
                                has a stealth look, and salt corrosion resistance    this shining layer can attract fish to bite in some
                                is better than that of Nickel. It is suitable for salt  situations, most suitable for saltwater hooks.
                                water single hooks and freshwater treble hooks.

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