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P. 400
Point Technology
Hand Ground Cutting Delta
HG Patent No. (ZL 2017 3 0169763.3) CD Patent No. (201130429536.2)
Hand ground technology, taking hook points The design concepts of the Cutting Delta
to levels of unprecedented penetration point originate from the formation of
performance! a military sword, with the hook points
equivalent to a triangle. In addition to a great
Using skilled hand ground technology to penetration performance, another feature is
make the both sides of a traditional conical the force in which the mouth opened towards
hook to form a triangle sword blade. This the direction of the three angles. Upon
helps reduce resistance when piercing, precise calculation, it not only helps air enter
enhance the penetration, increase the the mouth smoothly but also increases the
piercing speed, but also enhance the wear piercing speed of the hooks point. This is why
resistance and bending resistance of the hook army swords were designed with triangular
point. The design concepts are similar to that points. Even if the fish did not bite lure, the
of a ship’s hull. The steeper the deadrise, the fish will be extremely stuck by the sharp hook
sharper the cutting potential and smaller point in the body, with no chance of the fish
resistance, which makes for sailing in high escaping.
Cutting Point Cutting Blade
CP China Patent No. (201130143965.3) CB Patent No. (201130429509.5)
Designed around the sides of an inverted Cutting Blade Point, it’s sharp tip along with
„T” type hook point, this technology greatly a flat edge continues the leading penetration
increases the penetration performance. With performance that BKK is known for. The
help of inverted „T” groove, the air can enter design concepts derive from the sharp teeth
into the mouth smoothly and the piercing of a shark. These points are mainly seen
speed of the hook point will increase at the on the medium/heavy treble hooks and
same time. The CP point will not only reduce superior heavy treble hooks on the market.
the resistance when piercing but also increase When facing giants, Cutting Blade points can
the abrasive resistance and folding resistance penetrate hard jaw bone with ease allowing
of hook point, so as to achieve the highest anglers to conquer the fishing field.
requirement of penetration performance.
Flat Point Double Flat Point
The Double Flat Points are developed and
This is a barbless hook designed around the based on two flat impressions along the
basis of worm baits, so they can be punctured hooks point, giving this hook point the
with the upmost care. Due to the process of advantage in smaller hook scenarios. Even
Flat Point, it can reduce the barb’s harm to with a small hook like size 0.8#, the Double
worm baits and increase the durability and Flat Point edge keeps baits securely attached
liveness of live baits. In addition, Flat Point to the hook and reduces chance of them
design still creates friction to reduce the falling off.
chance of escape, but replaces the need for
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