Page 273 - MIKADO2021EN
P. 273


                               SENSUAL FEEDER 9109
                               Basic hook for feeder method with a small baits like maggot or rainworm.

                                                                                                     HS9109-14x  14  10
                                                                                                     HS9109-12x  12  10
                                                                                                     HS9109-10x  10  10
                                                                                                      HS9109-8x  8  10
                                                                                                      HS9109-6x  6  10
                                                                                                      HS9109-4x  4  10
                                                                                                      HS9109-2x  2  10
                                                                                                      HS9109-1x  1  10
                                                                                                   X = G, B     SU-10
                                              14  12  10    8    6      4       2        1
                               SENSUAL FEEDER 9307F
                               Strong, forged hook designed for bigger baits of animal-origin like earthworms.

                                                                                                     HS9307F-14B  14  10
                                                                                                     HS9307F-12B  12  10
                                                                                                     HS9307F-10B  10  10
                                                                                                     HS9307F-8B  8  10
                                                                                                     HS9307F-6B  6  10
                                                                                                     HS9307F-4B  4  10
                                                                                                     HS9307F-2B  2  10
                                                 14  12    10    8      6      4        2

                               SENSUAL FEEDER 9111T
                               One of the most commonly used hooks with an eye for non-predatory fish angling using the
                               quivering tip method. Strong and sharp, it will work great with vegetal and animal baits.

                                                                                                     HS9111T-10x  10  10
                                                                                                      HS9111T-8x  8  10
                                                                                                      HS9111T-6x  6  10
                                                                                                      HS9111T-4x  4  10
                                                                                                   X = G, B     SU-10

                                                   10       8        6        4

                                SENSUAL RIVER FEEDER
                                Strong, forged hook made for large, non-predatory fish angling. Black, matt finish stops the hook
                                from reflecting any light and scaring the fish away. Made to be used with all sorts of lures.
                                                                                                     HS800-16DB  16  10
                                                                                                     HS800-14DB  14  10
                                                                                                     HS800-12DB  12  10
                                                                                                     HS800-10DB  10  10
                                                                                                     HS800-8DB  8  10
                                                                                                     HS800-6DB  6  10
                                                                                                     HS800-4DB  4  10
                                                                                                     HS800-2DB  2  10
                                                16  14   12   10    8      6      4      2

                                SENSUAL - KOISO
                                Unusually sharp and strong, forged hooks for special tasks. Carefully designed shape provides
                                steady hauling. Smaller sizes will easily cope with hauling of award-winning breams, and crucian
                                carps. Larger ones will deal with a big carp with ease.                            PCS
                                                                                                     HS10010-18-BN  18  10
                                                                                                     HS10010-16-BN  16  10
                                                                                                     HS10010-14-BN  14  10
                                                                                                     HS10010-12-BN  12  10
                                                  18  16   14   12                                   HS10010-10-BN  10  10
                                                                                                     HS10010-8-BN  8  10
                                                                                                     HS10010-6-BN  6  9
                                                                                                     HS10010-4-BN  4  8
                                                                                                     HS10010-2-BN  2  7
                                                      10    8      6       4        2

                          /MikadoTotalFishing                                                      MIKADO 2021     271
   268   269   270   271   272   273   274   275   276   277   278