Page 359 - TUBERTINI2020EN
P. 359

Pellets                          357
                                                                       PASTURE / GROUNDBAITS

            Pellets da pastura composti da ingredienti
         selezionati di alta qualità, come farine di pesce
         e cereali, oli di pesce raffinati, aromi, attrattori
         basati su aminoacidi e palatants per garantire un
         gusto unico, un’attrazione immediata e duratura
         non saziando il pesce. Questi pellets sono
         studiati e realizzati per essere una fonte nutritiva
         completa ed indispensabile.
            Pellet for groundbait made by high quality
         selected ingredients such as fish meal and
         cereals, refined fish oils, aromas and attractors
         based on amino acids and palatants to ensure a
         unique taste, an immediate and lasting attraction
         without sating the fish. These pellets have been
         designed and produced for being a complete
         source of nutrition.

         33178xx Premium Trout 4,5 mm 1 kg
         33179xx Premium Trout 6,0 mm 1 kg
         33164xx  Fish Meal  8,0 mm 1 kg
         33165xx  Fish Meal  10,0 mm 1 kg
         33166xx Yellow Scopex 6,0 mm 1 kg
         33169xx  Carp Pellet  6,0 mm 1 kg
         33170xx  Halibut  4,5 mm 1 kg                PREMIUM TROUT                          FISH MEAL
         33171xx  Halibut  6,0 mm 1 kg
         33172xx  Halibut  10,0 mm 1 kg
         33173xx  Halibut  16,0 mm 1 kg
         33174xx  Halibut  20,0 mm 1 kg

               YELLOW SCOPEX                           CARP PELLET                            HALIBUT

                                                   POWER PELLET HOOKABLE: GROWERS PELLET
                                                      Pellets Expander da innesco, ricchi di oli e farine di pesce ed altri ingredienti per aumentarne
                                                   l’attrattività. Prima dell’uso vanno ammorbiditi, immergendoli per 45-60 minuti nell’acqua. Per un
                                                   innesco perfetto e duraturo si consiglia di utilizzare un amo di misura adeguata.
                                                      Expander pellet for hooking, rich in oil and fish meal and other ingredients to increase the
                                                   attractiveness. Before use, they have to be softened by soaking in water for 45-60 minutes. For
                                                   a perfect and lasting hooking, it is suggested one suitable size hook.

                                                       33151xx      Scopex      6,0 mm      150 g
                                                       33152xx     Tuttifrutti  6,0 mm      150 g

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