Page 237 - TUBERTINI2020EN
P. 237

                                                                        Ami Spinning                           23
                                                                                 AMI / HOOKS

                                                              SERIE SK100-WT
                                                                 Amo piombato wide gap a filo sottile con punta ad alta penetrazione affilata
                                                              chimicamente, ideale per l’innesco di softbaits come shad e soft stick baits. La
                                                              finitura black nickel e la forgiatura lo rendono resistente alla corrosione e robusto
                                                              per sostenere anche combattimenti impegnativi. Ideale per la pesca fresh e salt
                                                              water a predatori come black bass e spigole. La piombatura nella parte alta della
                                                              curvatura dell’amo, aumenta l’effetto rolling dell’esca in fase di discesa.
                                                                 Wide gap leaded hook with fine thread and high penetration point chemically
                                                              sharpened, ideal for softbaits such as shad and soft stick baits. The black nickel
                                                              finish and forging make it resistant to corrosion and sturdy to withstand even
                                                              challenging fights. Ideal for fresh and salt water fishing with predators like black
                                                              bass and sea bass. The lead in the upper part of the curvature of the hook
                                                              increases the rolling effect of the bait during the descent.

                                                                        1/0 - 0,5G           2/0 - 0,9G             3/0 - 1,0G

        SERIE SK100
           Amo wide gap a filo sottile con punta ad alta penetrazione affilata
        chimicamente, ideale per l’innesco di softbaits come shad e soft stick baits.
        La finitura black nickel e la forgiatura lo rendono resistente alla corrosione e
        robusto per sostenere anche combattimenti impegnativi. Ideale per la pesca
        fresh e salt water a predatori come black bass e spigole.
           Wide gap hook with fine thread and high penetration point chemically
        sharpened, ideal for softbaits such as shad and soft stick baits. The black nickel
        finish and forging make it resistant to corrosion and sturdy to withstand even
        challenging fights. Ideal for fresh and salt water fishing with predators like black
        bass and sea bass.

                                                                                   4/0 - 1,2G                   5/0 - 1,5G

                   2/0                        3/0                          4/0

          43082xx       SK100         2/0     6
                                     3/0-4/0  5
                                     1/0-2/0  5
          43083xx      SK100-WT       3/0     4
                                     4/0-5/0  3                             
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