Page 455 - SvendsenSport2021EN
P. 455

                                                              The Scierra Magnetic Clips create the perfect link and access point between the
          WADING STICK                                        ODQGLQJ QHW DQG \RX  7KH\ FDQ HDVLO\ EH DWWDFKHG RQ WKH EDFN RI \RXU À\ ZHVW DQG
          •  Foldable wading  stick is made in stainless steel  jacket.
          •  Comes equipped with a comfortable grip
          •  Supplied in a neoprene bag with a loop for belt attachment  •  Machine cut aluminum body
          •  Powerful centre elastic pulls the stick together fast after it is drawn from the   •  Stainless steel attachment rings
           pouch.                                             •   NJ SRZHU  ±    FP ORQJ     FP GLDP
                                                              •   NJ SRZHU  ±  FP ORQJ     FP GLDPHWHU
           ITEM NO.                                 PRICE       ITEM NO.            POWER                PRICE
            28198                                    -          48921               3KG                   -
                                                     Trade Unit 1  48922            5KG                   -
                                                                                                         Trade Unit 1

                  Salmon 116 gr                  Trout 69 gr

                         7,2 cm
                         7,2 cm
                                                 6,2 cm
               12 cm
               12 cm
                                      10 cm
          ‘HIT MAN’ PRIESTS         • Pocket sized
          %ULQJLQJ D ¿VK WR WKH WDEOH LV RQH RI   • Extendable handle
          WKH MR\V RI ¿VKLQJ   7R GR WKLV \RX   • Wrist strap
          need a tool that will do the job quickly,   •  2 sizes - Trout and salmon
          extendable pocket-sized priest is made
          of stainless steel including a practical
          wrist strap and is perfect for the job!
                                                              PIN-ON REEL RETRACTOR

           ITEM NO.            TYPE                 PRICE       ITEM NO.            SIZE                 PRICE
            36235              TROUT                 -          28176                M                    -
            36236             SALMON                 -                                                   Trade Unit 5
                                                     Trade Unit 1

         •  Machine cut, durable aluminum body
         •  -10 to +40 degrees
         •  Pocket clip on and top turn attachment
           ITEM NO.           SIZE               PRICE
            61492           11X1X1CM              -
                                                 Trade Unit 1

   450   451   452   453   454   455   456   457   458   459   460