Page 391 - SvendsenSport2021EN
P. 391
SS, #6 S, #8 M, #10 L, #13 XL, #15
2XU PLFUR DVVLVW KRRN UDQJH LV VSHFLDOO\ GHVLJQHG WR ¿W SHUIHFWO\ DOO VPDOOHU MLJV IURP Suggested use: Micro assist hooks match perfectly all jigs from 5gr to 80gr. They are
5gr up to 80gr. The super strong and light weight hooks are tied to blood red hollow suggested for Micro Shore Jigging, Light jigging, Shore Jigging, Cast Jigging and
Fluoro Carbon core Braid. The Shape of our Micro Assist Hooks match perfectly the Micro Vertical Jigging techniques.
body shape of most jigs and the unique rigging gives a superb hook up rate. You can
add one or two Micro Assist Hooks on your jig and remove the treble hook, for better ITEM NO. SIZE HOOK SIZE PCS PRICE
jig performance and less snagging on the rocks.
69743 SS 6 4PCS -
• Japanese XC75 Carbon Steel
• Super light & strong 69744 S 8 4PCS -
• Ultimate sharpness 69745 M 10 4PCS -
• Super PE Fluorocarbon core Red cord 69746 L 13 4PCS -
• Flashing Teasers 69747 XL 15 4PCS -
• Zero tangle design
Trade Unit 5
#1 #1/0 #2/0 #3/0 #4/0 #1 #1/0 #2/0 #3/0
2XU 6LQJOH DQG 'RXEOH DVVLVW KRRN UDQJH LV VSHFLDOO\ GHVLJQHG WR ¿W SHUIHFWO\ RXU Suggested use: Bloody Single assist hooks have medium length cord and are ideal
needle jig and Slim Jig minnow. The super strong and light weight hooks are tied for rigging semi long and long jigs from one side, adding one or two in the split ring.
to blood red hollow Fluoro Carbon core PE Braid. The Shape of our Hooks match They are suggested for Light jigging, Shore Jigging, Cast Jigging and Vertical Jigging
perfectly the body shape of the most common jigs and the unique Looped rigging techniques.
gives a superb hook up rate. We have wrapped tied the core all the way to the end of Suggested use: Bloody Twin assist hooks have short cord and are ideal for rigging
the spade of the hooks, so the hooks move freely and don’t tangle or scratch the jig!
slow jigs from both sides, as well as normal short jigs from one side. They are
Super sharp forged hooks made from Japanese XC75 Carbon Steel and epoxy suggested for Slow jigging, Light jigging, Shore Jigging, Cast Jigging and Vertical
coated wrappings Jigging techniques.
• Japanese XC75 Carbon Steel
• Super light & strong hooks ITEM NO. HOOK SIZE PCS PRICE
• Ultimate sharpness 69748 1 4PCS -
• Super PE Fluorocarbon core Red PE Cord 69749 1/0 4PCS -
• Epoxy coated no scratch full wrappings
• Zero tangle design 69750 2/0 4PCS -
69751 3/0 4PCS -
69752 4/0 4PCS -
69753 1 2PCS -
69754 1/0 2PCS -
69755 2/0 2PCS -
69756 3/0 2PCS -
Trade Unit 5