Page 372 - SvendsenSport2021EN
P. 372

13g, #10
                         18g, #8
                         24g, #6

                                                  LT SEEKER
                                                  •  Line Thru design
                                                  •  Ultra-sharp treble hook and oval split ring
                                                  •  5 soft beads glow and neutral colours   70mm - 13g treble hook Y-Treble #10
                                                  •  1 clear glass hard bead
                                                  •  Lively and erratic action
                                                  •  360-degree rotation on the spin-stop
                                                                                75mm - 18g treble hook Y-Treble #8

                                                                                90mm - 24g treble hook Y-Treble #6
          One of the most common fish along the coastlines of northern Europe and Scandinavia is
          the eel pout. Seatrout love to eat juvenile eel pout and they are an overall very important
          preyfish. They have a very distinct and recognizable pattern that we have transferred with
          perfection to our most effective and popular sea trout lures, the Line Thru Seeker and the
          Linethru Sandeel. The combination of the pattern, partial hotstamp foil and UV colours have
          been truly outstanding during fieldtesting.

                                                                                Eel Pout
           69040  7CM   13G   SINKING     EEL POUT        -
           69042  7CM   13G   SINKING     GOLD POUT       -
           69043  7CM   13G   SINKING     YG POUT         -
           69044  7CM   13G   SINKING     PINK POUT       -                     Gold Pout
           69046  7CM   13G   SINKING    WHITE POUT       -
           69047  7CM   13G   SINKING   BLUE SILVER POUT  -
           69048  7.5CM  18G  SINKING     EEL POUT        -
           69050  7.5CM  18G  SINKING     GOLD POUT       -                     YG Pout
           69051  7.5CM  18G  SINKING     YG POUT         -
           69052  7.5CM  18G  SINKING     PINK POUT       -
           69054  7.5CM  18G  SINKING    WHITE POUT       -
                                                                                Pink Pout
           69055  7.5CM  18G  SINKING   BLUE SILVER POUT  -
           69056  9CM   24G   SINKING     EEL POUT        -
           69058  9CM   24G   SINKING     GOLD POUT       -
           69059  9CM   24G   SINKING     YG POUT         -
                                                                                White Pout
           69060  9CM   24G   SINKING     PINK POUT       -
           69062  9CM   24G   SINKING    WHITE POUT       -
           69063  9CM   24G   SINKING   BLUE SILVER POUT  -
                                                         Trade Unit  5          Blue Silver Pout

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