Page 283 - SvendsenSport2021EN
P. 283

Belly colour

                                                          20cm – 25g
                                                          Hooks #4 (F)

                                                                                                      Belly colour

          3D SNAKE
          Based on a scan of a real snake, this lure is the perfect baby snake imitation with an       Belly colour
          incredibly realistic topwater swimming action. The lure swims with a wide S movement,
          either on the surface or just below, depending on where you attach the line.
          •  3D scanned details
          •  Super realistic action
          •  Surface or sub-surface action, two line tie points
          •  Unique cable joints
          •  Spinning rear treble hook                              Black Adder
          •  20cm size: 2x #4 treble hooks                                                                     MATTE
          •  30cm size:  2x #1 treble hooks                                                                    FINISH

           ITEM NO.  LENGTH  WEIGHT  SINK RATE  COLOR  PRICE        Green Fluo
           62008  20CM  25G  FLOATING   BLACK ADDER    -
           62009  20CM  25G  FLOATING   GREEN FLUO     -
           62010  20CM  25G  FLOATING   STEEL ADDER    -
                                                                    Steel Adder
                                                       Trade Unit 5

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