Page 272 - SvendsenSport2021EN
P. 272

High carbon steel treble for light tackle
                  3D scanned                                     Lightweight allow        applications where strength is required
                  details of the         Rattle system that      with low density         while maintaining excellent hook penetra-
                  DFWXDO ¿VK             SURGXFHV ORXG ¿VK       for a slower fall        WLRQ  < FRQ¿JXUDWLRQ RQ WKH WUHEOH HQVXUHV
                  mimicked by            attracting sounds       rate and increased       perfect alignment on the body of the lure
                  the lure                                       action                   for increased hookup ratio.
                                                                                          High carbon steel treble for heavier tackle
                  3D scanned details     Allows lure to travel                            applications where strength is required
                  RI WKH DFWXDO ¿VK      up the line when a      High carbon steel        while maintaining excellent hook penetra-
                  combined with Pho-     ¿VK LV KRRNHG  WKXV     for strength and         WLRQ  < FRQ¿JXUDWLRQ RQ WKH WUHEOH HQVXUHV
                  toprint and strike     increasing the hook     durability               perfect alignment on the body of the lure
                  triggering scent       to land ratio                                    for increased hookup ratio.

                                                                                          High carbon steel treble for heavy tackle,
                  Photoprint             Thru-wired              Forge carbon             heavy line applications where strength is
                  colors and             construction for        steel for enhanced       of paramount importance for success.  Y
                  details from an        extra strength and      strength                 FRQ¿JXUDWLRQ RQ WKH WUHEOH HQVXUHV SHUIHFW
                  DFWXDO ¿VK             durability                                       alignment on the body of the lure for
                                                                                          increased hookup ratio.
                  Patent pending                                 %ODFN QLFNHO ¿QLVK
                  Pulse tail delivers    Strategic weighting     for increased cor-       7 7UHEOH¶V XQLTXH FRQ¿JXUDWLRQ LQFUHDVHV
                  natural swimming       for long casting        rosion resistance        hook up ratio on plugs and minimizes
                  action at a            performance             and reduced              wear on a lure’s surface
                  broad speed                                    visibility of the
                  range                                          hook

                  Blend of amino         Provides a focal        5HG 1LFNHO IRU
                  acids, fats, and       SRLQW IRU ¿VK WR        in creased corro-        7 strands of high carbon steel wire twined
                  proteins that trig-    key in on when          sion resistance          and coated with a black copolymer.
                  gers feeding and       attacking the lure      and strike point
                  aggression                                     effect

                                         Blades start rotat-                              49 strands of high carbon steel wire,
                  Glow in the            ing immediately         Anti-Corrosion         7x7  twined, braided and coated with a strong
                  dark pigments          as the lure hits the    coating for high         black copolymer.
                  used                   water                   salinity environ-

                  UV spectrum                                    High carbon steel hook
                  colors and details     Ghost color, see        for light tackle applica-  7x7 49 strands of high carbon steel wire,
                                         thru color, with
         UV       utilized for in-       subtle and realistic    tions where strength     twined and braided.
                                                                 is required while
                  creased visibility
                  WR WKH ¿VK             effect                  maintaining excellent
                                                                 hook penetration.
                  Florescent colors      0DWWH ¿QLVK  QRQ        High carbon steel hook
                  and details   MATTE    shiny surface that      for heavier tackle appli-  Blood49, 49 strands of high carbon steel
                  utilized for in-       picks up light and      cations where strength   7x7  wire, twined, braided and coated with a
                  creased visibility   FINISH  makes the lure    is required while        strong blood red copolymer.
                  WR WKH ¿VK             very visible            maintaining excellent
                                                                 hook penetration.
                  Precise internal       Ultra-anti-rust coating   High carbon steel
                  balancing that         ZLWK D PDWWH ¿QLVK WR   hook for heavy tackle,
                  SURYLGHV D ÀXW-        UHGXFH UHÀHFWLRQ DQG    heavy line applications   Titanium1, prime single strand titanium
                  tering action on       visibility              where strength is of   1 wire, with close to zero memory and high
                  the fall                                       paramount importance     strength
                                                                 for success
                  360 degrees                                    Extremely sharp,
                  rotation on spin       High density            highly polished hook   1x7 Titanium1x7, prime 7 strand titanium
                  stop, triggering       tungsten inside         points for enhanced      wire, with close to zero memory and high
                  strikes                                        penetration              VWUHQJWK  YHU\ ÀH[LEOH

                  Internal rattle        High density
                  produces sound to                                                       4 Carrier PE braided to a smooth, round
                  draw strikes           materials utilized                         HD4   DEUDVLRQ UHVLVWDQW ¿VKLQJ OLQH

                  System reduces
                  rattling sounds to a                                                    8 Carrier PE braided to a thin, smooth,
                  subtle, more natural   Salt impregnated                                 URXQG DEUDVLRQ UHVLVWDQW ¿VKLQJ OLQH IRU
                  frequency required     for increased                              HD8   improved casting and feel.
                  for increased success   GHQVLW\ DQG ÀDYRU
                  ZLWK SUHVVXUHG ¿VK

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