Page 120 - SvendsenSport2021EN
P. 120



         0DGH WR LQVSLUH

          “The new packaging concept shaping Prologic is based in the idea
          that Prologic keeps moving forward and inspire”.

          Inspire to innovate                Inspire to think                    ,QVSLUH WR ¿VK PRUH
          Our values lie in creating innovative prod-  7KLQN DQG UHWKLQN WKH ZD\ WKDW ¿VKLQJ LV   ,W  LV  DOO  DERXW  ¿VKLQJ   ,QVSLUH  WKURXJK
          ucts that solves problems, make it easier   done. Challenging the ordinary to shape   pictures. Inform through texts. Convert
          and more exciting for carp anglers across   the new normal.            through good experiences.

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