Page 121 - Spro2019EN
P. 121

S     A      L     T     W       A     T      E     R

        RED FISH RIG 5                                         SPIRA-TAIL UV

        This Redfish Rig 5 is a classic that comes from the commercial fishing   The same high quality Spira-Tail with UV-Ink-Mix that is mounted on the
        scene; just only better! The small split tail Gummimakks combined with the   Norway Expedition Rig. UV radiance reaches great depths where sunlight
        fluorescent bead on the hook make it exactly right for Redfish. The snap   does not shine through, this makes that these Tails light-up and become
        swivel in the loop allows you to replace the hooks without changing your   visible where other lures remain invisible. With this UV-Ink-Mix lure you can
        complete rig. You can use this rig with small fish fillets but it works just as   make your own rig more attractive!
        well without. Drop the rig down to the bottom. If – after a few minutes -
        you do not get any take, lift it the length of the leader and wait again a few
        minutes. Repeat until you find the fish because in search of food, Redfish will
        ascend even to half water.

                                                                 Code   Barcode   Color       SU
                         Dia.   Dia.   Hook  Length              4749-24 8HLGSPB*bjaahf+  Japanese Red  7,5cm  1=10x4
          Code   Barcode                     SU
                         Main Branch Size  cm                    4749-25 8HLGSPB*bjaaic+  Japanese Red  9cm  1=10x4
         4749-82 8HLGSPB*cihdbh+ 1,00mm 1,00mm  7/0  950cm  1=5x1  4749-26 8HLGSPB*bjaajj+  Japanese Red  11cm  1=10x4


        Special leader material in extra strong diameters (up to 1.20mm) for allround   Special 80Lbs fluorocarbon jig head leaders of 80cm each. The two different
        sea fishing but mainly designed for Norway and (Little) Big Game fishing.   versions are designed for Heavy Duty and Deep Sea Mega Jig Heads. The
        The line is nearly invisible under water; therefore cautious fish will not be   difference between the two leaders is the size and strength of the special
        spooked when they feed. The Special Sea leader is wound on a big spool to   snap; one is up to 23kg (4749-058) where as the strongest one handles up to
        reduce line twist. (5057-120 50m spool)                35kg (4749-059).

          Code   Barcode  mm  Br. Str.  SU
         5057-35 8HLGSPB*cjcjcc+ 0,35mm  10,7kg  1=5x1
         5057-40 8HLGSPB*agjgbg+ 0,40mm  13,5kg  1=5x1
         5057-50 8HLGSPB*agjgcd+ 0,50mm  20,4kg  1=5x1
         5057-60 8HLGSPB*agjgda+ 0,60mm  22,8kg  1=5x1
         5057-70 8HLGSPB*agjgeh+ 0,70mm  29,2kg  1=5x1
         5057-80 8HLGSPB*agjgfe+ 0,80mm  38,4kg  1=5x1           Code   Barcode  Br. Str.  Length   SU
         5057-90 8HLGSPB*agjggb+ 0,90mm  47,1kg  1=5x1                           Lb   cm
         5057-100 8HLGSPB*agjghi+ 1,00mm  60,5kg  1=5x1          4749-58 8HLGSPB*cagabb+  80lb  80cm  1=10x2
         5057-120 8HLGSPB*agjgif+ 1,20mm  73,9kg  1=5x1          4749-59 8HLGSPB*cagaci+  80lb  80cm  1=10x2

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