Page 407 - MIKADO2021EN
P. 407

HOOKS         19

              KEIRYU SPADE END-NP           Diamond Seriesies
                                            Diamond Ser
              Keiryu eyeless hooks are made of a light wire and have a precise blade. Shape of those great hooks  SPADE
              is perfect for float fishing and delicate lures.                                       FLATTENING

                BN1011003-14  14  12       NICKEL
                BN1011003-12  12  12
                BN1011003-10  10  12
                BN1011003-8  8  12
                BN1011003-6  6  12

                                                   14    12     10      8       6

              KEIRYU WITH RING        Diamond Ser
                                      Diamond Seriesies
              Keiryu hooks version made for more delicate lures and float fishing. Strong and light wire          RING
              with an eye and really sharp point.                                                    FLATTENING

                BN1012003-16  16  10       BLACK
                BN1012003-14  14  10
                BN1012003-12  12  10
                BN1012003-10  10  10
                BN1012003-8  8  10
                BN1012003-6  6  10
                BN1012003-4  4  10
                           SU-5               16    14    12    10      8       6       4

              IZUMEZINA SPADE END-NP            Diamond Seriesies
                                                Diamond Ser
              Very sharp Izumezina hooks adjusted for all float and bottom fishing methods. Eyeless version  RIGHT  SPADE
              with a precise blade.                                                                  FLATTENING

                BN2011002-12  12  12       BLACK
                BN2011002-10  10  12       NICKEL
                BN2011002-8  8  12
                BN2011002-6  6  12
                BN2011002-4  4  12
                BN2011002-2  2  7
                BN2011002-1  1  7
                           SU-5           12    10     8      6        4       2         1

              SHARK IZUMEZINA-CB         SHARK
                                         SHARK cutting bladecutting blade
              Amazingly sharp version of the Izumezina hook with a Cutting Blade technology, providing very  RIGHT  SPADE
              quick and steady strike.                                                               FLATTENING

                BN2211002-12  12  12
                BN2211002-10  10  12       NICKEL
                BN2211002-8  8  12
                BN2211002-6  6  12
                BN2211002-4  4  10
                BN2211002-2  2  7
                                               12   10      8      6       4         2

                          /MikadoTotalFishing                                                      MIKADO 2021     405
   402   403   404   405   406   407   408   409   410   411   412