Page 334 - MIKADO2021EN
P. 334

13 PVA

             PVA MATERIALS
             Very wide range of soluble PVA fabrics. Includes bags, tapes, threads, tunnels,
             sleeves and backup meshes or pistons, facilitating preparation of perfect bait
                                                                           FAST DISSOLVING  30 - 40  8°C   1
                                                                          MEDIUM DISSOLVING  45 - 55  8°C  0,5

                                                                           SLOW DISSOLVING  60 - 120  15°C  0,2

             PVA THREAD                          PVA TAPE                            PLUNGERS
             PVA thread application is to mount the protein   PVA tape is made for bait-filled PVA sleeves   Plungers are an invaluable piece of equipment
             balls to the rig with a hook. Other use is to close   and bags closing. Just like the threads, it is also   for PVA bags and meshes filling. Especially handy
             the PVA bags with the groundbait. Available   used to thread the protein balls. Unlike the thread,   for PVA tunnels stuffing. Available in variety of
             in three thicknesses: thin, medium and thick,   it provides low range of movement of threaded   diameters fitted to ready-to-use meshes from
             all in 20 m length.                 balls.                              the Mikado range.

                 APV-STR-1      THIN
                 APV-STR-2     MEDIUM              APV-TAP-10-38  SMOOTH  10  38 μm
                 APV-STR-3      THICK              APV-TAP-10-50  SMOOTH  10  50 μm                          APV-PLUN02
                 20 m             SU-1                20 m            SU-1                                     SU-1

             PVA SPARE MESHES                                                        PVA SLEEVE
             Spare meshes for PVA tunnels, made for small bait portions preparation that are later-on being placed   PVA sleeve can be used to create the groundbait
             right by a hook with a lure. They allow to bait using boilies, pellet etc.  bags of any length. Available in 45 mm and 65
                                                                                     mm of width and 5 m of length.

                                                                MM     M
                                                    APV-MER18-F  18    5
                                                    APV-MER23-F  23    5
                                                    APV-MER44-F  44    5

                                                    APV-MER18-M  18    5
                                                    APV-MER23-M  23    5
                                                    APV-MER44-M  44    5

                                                                MM                                  MM
                                                    APV-MER18-S  18    5                APV-TUB-45-38  45  38 μm
                                                    APV-MER23-S  23    5                APV-TUB-65-38  65  38 μm
                                                    APV-MER44-S  44    5                APV-TUB-65-50  65  50 μm
                                                                     SU-1                                SU-1

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