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   364    BAIT


                                                                        Pict.- Item-
                                                                        No. No.   Type
                                                                        A  FANG BLITZ Highly concentrated aroma concentrate in drop dosage
                                                                           bottles. Made in Germany! A few drops on your bait and your success is
                                                                           guaranteed. Contents: 10 ml.
                                                                           8165 001  Anise
                                                                           8165 002  Vanilla
                                                                           8165 003  Tutti Frutti
                                                                           8165 006  Carp
                                                                           8165 008  Trout
                                                                           8165 009  Eal
                                                                           8165 012  Crab/Shrimp
                                                                           8165 014  Zander/Pike
                                                                        C  JENZI-GOLD AMINO Bait-Condition Pump Spray Aroma concentrate
                                                                           comes in a spray bottle equipped with a special spray-head. We guaran-
                                                                           tee that the micro fine amino acids along with scent and taste composi-
                                                                           tions, in the finest of spray mist can be directly applied to maggots,
                                                                           worms, dough, boilies, and every other type of hook bait. This application
                                                                           provides for a long lasting effect. Contents: 30 ml
                                                                           9297 001  Carp
                                                                           9297 005  Catfisch
                                                                           9297 006  Trout
                                                                           9297 007  Eel
                                                                           9297 008  Pike
                                                                           9297 009  Zander
                                                                        D  Großmann’s Worm Dunk It is a known fact that success has many fathers.
                                                                           The Grossmanns swear by their bait dunk. Contents: 25 ml.
                                                                           8167 001  Seafish
                                                                           8167 003  Eel
                                                                        E  Original Fang Fix made from crab oil.
                                                                           An irresistable specialty for all fish species.
                                                                           8147 004  Fang Fix 50 ml
                                                             C C        F  MYSTIC Legendary with pole anglers. A secret to success in a
                                                                           small tube! With the sticky Mystic substance, the hook tips are
                                                                           covered over. Mystic increases your chances of catching fish.
                                                                           MYSTIC – Hook bait for pole anglers
                                                                           8151 001  Mystic, RED


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