Page 318 - JENZI2021EN
P. 318



       For true artists and

       upscale specialists.

        Strong Nylon-Line!                              Real fi shskin !


                                                                                  with 1 or
                                                                                  3 arms


                                                                                Jigging-Cod-Rig with lures totally
                                                                                assembled. A super rig!
                                                                                       Side-  Line  Hook-
        C                                                                       Item-No.  arms  Ø  size
                                                                                 7729 001   1  0,60  6/0
       Herring- & Jigging-Rig       Pict.-    Side-  Line  Hook-                 7729 003   3  0,80  6/0
       Perfect for jigging on the ocean/sea  No. Item-No,  arms  Ø  size
       and also for catching herring.  A B  7768 005  5 5  0,60/0,45  3 3
                                       7768 006
                                    C  7768 007  5  0,60/0,45  3

                                                                                Cod and Mackerel-Rig
                                                                                with 4 sturdy hooks: Combination of 2 rubber
       Jigging-Cod-Rig with 4 side arms and lu-  Jigging-Cod-Rig with 5 side arms. Length   mackerel and 2 spoons. Extremely durable
       minous pearls. Length: 180 cm.     180 cm.                               and catchable.
             Side-  Line  Hook-                 Side-  Line  Hook-                     Side-  Line  Hook-
       Item-No.  arms  Ø  size            Item-No.  arms  Ø  size               Item-No.  arms  Ø  size
        7798 004   4  0,65  3/0            7799 005   5  0,60  2/0               7804 002   2  0,70  2/0
   313   314   315   316   317   318   319   320   321   322   323