Page 277 - JENZI2021EN
P. 277


                                                   3-D Epoxy
                                                   3-D Epoxy

                          This “Corigon-Lead” is a
                          totally new development
                          from our felchen experts.
                          By pinching off the excess
                          weight, you can perfectly
                          match the weight with the
                          rig (Paternoster).
                          The long slender shape                                   Item-No. 5744 014
                          makes retrievals faster due                              Hooksize 14
                          to reduced water resistance.                             Type  Epoxy
                          This also keeps the weight
                          from sticking to the bottom.

                                               Item-No. 5741 014                   Item-No. 5745 014
                                               Hooksize 14                         Hooksize 14
                                               Type  Epoxy                         Type  Epoxy

                                               Item-No. 5742 014                   Item-No. 5746 014
                                               Hooksize 14                         Hooksize 14
                                               Type  Epoxy                         Type  Epoxy

                                               Item-No. 5743 014                   Item-No. 5747 014
                                               Hooksize 14                         Hooksize 14
                                               Type  Epoxy                         Type  Epoxy

         Item-  Weight g  Qty./
         No.   approx.  header
          8606 003   30,0  2
   272   273   274   275   276   277   278   279   280   281   282