Page 433 - Colmic2020EN
P. 433

HIGH PERFORMANCE                                                                           FEEDER

           DISTANCE NET FEEDER                                  BULLET NET FEEDER

                                  1pcs per Bag                                          1pcs per Bag
           This  cage  feeder  thanks  to  its   Cage Sizes     A  real  “long  range”  bullet,  priceless   Cage Sizes
           special  shape  and  the  special   Code  g.  Ømm  Hmm  to accurately reach very long   Code  gr.  Ømm  Hmm
           weights distribution will allow long   FED56A  20  26  25  distances.  Easy  to  load  thanks  to   FED59A  30  25  25
           range casting and in the meantime                    its special design with only two ribs
           it will not sink in silty bottom spots.   FED56B  30  26  25  connections  the  lead  to  the  feeder   FED59B  40  25  25
           The  round  conical  shape  and  the   FED56C  40  26  25  body and allowing to load the feeder   FED59C  50  25  25
           positioning of the weight in the   FED57A  20  28  31  with a single hand.     FED60A  30  25  37
           bottom part of the feeder will allow   FED57B  30  29  31                      FED50B  40  25  37
           a  perfect  trajectory  during  the   FED57C  40  28  31                       FED50C  50  25  37
           cast. The feeder is totally lead free   FED57D  50  28  31                     FED60D  60  25  37
           and environmentally friendly.
                                    FED58A  30  32  36
                                    FED58B  40  32  36
                                    FED58C  50  32  36

           STARTING FEEDER                                      STANDARD CAGE FEEDER

                                                                                        1pcs per Bag
           In feeder competitions spot feeding is allowed   LARGE  There  are  various  types  of  Standard
           only with the feeder attached to the rod. For   1pcs per Bag  Cage Feeder to meet all requirements,   Code  g.  Cage Sizes
           this very reason, we created two large sized   Cage Sizes  and it is a must-have for quick release   Ømm  Hmm
           standard Starting Feeder, to “create a feeding   Code  Ømm  Hmm  of its contents. It can also possibly   FED65A  15  20  25
           area”  for  large  quantity  of  bait.  Built  with   FED71A  40  61  create  a  scented  trail  in  the  water,   FED65B  20  20  25
           the  highest  quality,  we  have  decided  not  to   which is extremely attractive to fish.   FED65C  25  20  25
           equip  the  Starting  Feeder  with  sinkers,  for    It is therefore excellent in stillwater   FED66A  20  20  31
           the specific purpose of letting the fisherman        as well as moderately moving water.   FED66B  30  20  31
           make  a  personal  choice:  whether  to  add   EXTRA LARGE  The  completely  lead-free  ballast   FED67A  20  25  25
           weight  and  how  much  of  it,  by  adding  each   1pcs per Bag  and  the  oven-baked  coating  have
           time to the feeder, according to the specifics       been  designed  with  respect  for  the   FED67B  30  25  25
           of different fishing spots    Code   Cage Sizes      environment, and also not to “pollute”   FED67C  35  25  25
                                                Ømm  Hmm        in any way the taste of the contents,   FED68A  20  25  37
                                         FED71B  46  67         which can be easily altered by oxides   FED68B  30  25  37
                                                                                          FED68C  35  25  37
                                                                                          FED68D  45  25  37
                                                                                          FED69A  30  28  37
                                                                                          FED69B  40  28  37
                                                                                          FED69C  45  28  37
                                                                                          FED70A  30  28  50
                                                                                          FED70B  40  28  50
                                                                                          FED70C  50  28  50

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