Page 245 - Colmic2020EN
P. 245

HIGH PERFORMANCE                                                                          LUGGAGE

                                                                                                                    COLMIC OFFICIAL
              BAIT BOX                                                  PONGO

              Practical and useful PVC bait box featuring an oxigenator pocket and a waterproof   The latest addition to this range is the new special version which –
              zippered closure. Perfect to hold Ver De Vase left from the fishing outings and to keep   with a diameter of 57 cm and a height of 17 cm – makes it even easier
              it fresh and vital for the next dasy. Perfect also for all other live baits like for example   to mix your competition groundbait.
              shrimps used in the sea bass fishing in the salt.

                                                22    16


              CODE: BOXEVA18                                            CODE: BOXEVA12A

              VARANO                                               VARANO W/COVER SERIES

              One of the essential features of these               PVC  ground  bait  buckets  series
              groundbait boxes is their conical                    available  in  three  different
              shape: this means that they can be                   diameters featuring a zippered top,
              piled perfectly one inside the other for             this  particular feature guarantee
              easy storage and transport.                          a perfect use of the buckets in
                                                                   rainy conditions thanks to their
                                                                   total waterproof when the top
                                                                   is  zippered.  The  Varano  series
                                                                   features   three   different   PVC
                                                                   buckets that will fit one inside the         
                                                                   other for a more convenient storage
                                                                   and transportation. The bigger size
                                                                   (45* H28) will perfectly fit a 17 liters
                                                                   plastic bucket, sealing it perfectly
                                                                   thanks to the zip closure.

                Code        SIZE          17                         Code     SIZE
               BOXEVA10  Ø30CM - H.19CM                            BOXEVA19  Ø30CM - H.17CM
               BOXEVA11  Ø37CM - H.22CM                            BOXEVA20  Ø37CM - H.20CM
               BOXEVA12  Ø43CM - H.25CM                            BOXEVA21  Ø45CM - H.28CM

              VARANO W/COVER & LOOP

              The Varano has the same features than
              the  Varano  w/cover  version,  these
              feeders have a series “of side loops”
              in such a way they could be stably
              and easily hanged through the bucket

                Code      SIZE                                                            Code       cerchi - hoop
              BOXEVA23  Ø38CM - H.21CM                                                             PA0900A38A - Ø33CM
                                                                                         BOXEVA22  PA0900A38A1 - Ø33CM
                                                                                                   PA0900A38B - Ø38CM
                                                                                         BOXEVA23  PA0900A38B1 - Ø38CM

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